Family - Stop "Do not Scream"

Daily Health - The aggravation of us sometimes fiery emotion and could not resist. In the end you often shout at your child when they suddenly crying, not eating, or accidentally drop your favorite items. Your voice is getting higher gradually added rajukan your child that automatically suppress emotions gas in your brain.

If you remember again, we should not shout and act as extreme as that. Wise there are things that can be done without having to yell and make the child understand what is good and less good. We must be fully aware that the cries of children has a huge potential to trigger something worse happens. Why we need to stop yelling at our children?

You make a child cries so inferior
Many parents are confused himself when he saw his son were quiet and did not want to play with their peers. The fault is not on the child, and no child is actually a purely reserved. It is our parents who shape their taciturn character. For what? because of all the screams that we catapult them every day. Worse shout we can suppress their confidence, causing ignorance, low self-esteem so children, closed or are they naughty esktrim incredible.

You make the child cries more recalcitrant
Continuing from the first point was that said that they could be silent or even rogue incredible, that was the reality. Children are smart and careful observer. They recorded almost all the events are There. When they are doing something naughty and you just try to remind them to shout, the problem will not be finished, and they will never be able to learn from it. Eventually they will underestimate your cries, and eventually they thought that "mama could only scream, so no matter if I was naughty, at most, mama would cry again." Wow if this is not a serious blaze in their minds. Your child will not be so good, in fact they are getting naughty.

Children learn to reply to your criesParents are the first and primary educators of children. They learn all the important things in life through family life. For that you have to be more careful in acting. Everything our attitude is an example to them. So if we are shouted when they were naughty, they will reward you cry too.

Children learn to be a dissident

With the shouts you when they are stubborn, rather than a deterrent and they showed attitude change. Children will actually become dissidents. They shout for you to win on their side. They will be satisfied when you shout louder. And it means defeat on your part, because you are not able to cope with your own child's behavior.

Shouts are common
The more intensity you scream, it will become a habit for the children. And they shall fear and respect you. Imagine if your child does not obey you, what about the future later?

Still interested in yelling at your kids in the house? Should not if you want the future of your child's future bright shade. Do not forget, you also have a first child. Bring out the best in them.


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