Family - My home is Heaven Or Hell

My home is Heaven Or Hell - The old saying says my home sweet home. It is true, especially if the family lived in the house, the people who love each other.

Transformed into a residential paradise or hell is determined by the atmosphere in it. Not mood lighting, home decor, or the least expensive furniture in it, but rather refers to the inhabitants.

We live in this world only once. Therefore, starting from this moment, (not too late, no matter what age you are now) we want to respect the family that we have.

If we as a child in the family, respect and care about the parents, brothers and sisters, and even appreciate your maid or driver.

Many helpers are so not at home because her employer behavior itself. Remember, however, and whatever their job, they are still human, just like us.

If we as a wife, respect and serve with a good husband. Arose pretty for your husband. Understand him, it affects a lot better than if you constantly complain or grumble.

If you are a mother, be a wise mother. Do not choose love, both toward her husband and children. Many young mothers are so much 'in love' with the children rather than their own husbands.

An adage says, "A wise woman build her family well, but the foolish tears it down with her ​​own hands."

Women, realize that your role in the family is very important.

Words and your behavior is highlighted by a husband and children.

Want to mMy home is Heaven Or Hellke your family like heaven, then so be wise woman.


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