Family - Parents Concerned Smokers Less Likely Against son

Daily Health - Children with smoking parents, either both or one has a worse level of health than children whose parents do not smoke. It is already a fact for years. In addition to worsening Health conditions, smoking parents were less concerned about their children. Thus the results of a recent study.

Addicted to cigarettes either father, mother or both have unfavorable behavior for their children, even to sacrifice their children's future. A study showed that parents who smoke tend to buy cheap clothes even gave food potluck. This was done so that they can still buy cigarettes in mediocre financial condition.

The survey of families with smoking parents give surprising results. There are some behaviors that are not appropriate parents and show that they tend not to care about their children.

Indifference Facts Parents
  • Survey shows that parents are smokers willing to reduce or sacrifice quality of life for their children that can still enjoy a cigarette.
  • 20 percent of respondents admitted that they deliberately buy cheap clothes and shoes for their children rather than trying to quit smoking. They are also giving fewer gifts and cheap for their children.
  • What's worse, 17 percent said they cut down on spending quality food and beverages for their children, because of budget cuts could be used to buy cigarettes.
  • Nearly 7 percent prohibit their children join the school holidays so that budget cuts do not buy cigarettes.
  • 17 percent prohibit their children buy a particular toy.
  • Sadly, nearly 9 percent admitted that they stole money from their children's piggy bank, on the grounds that gives cigarettes.
  • Nearly 65 percent of respondents claimed that their financial condition mediocre, but they still could not stop smoking is actually spending their money.
Dr Sarah Javis involved in the study said that the majority of smokers are fully aware that the financial burden of the family can be reduced if they stop smoking. However, addiction is making 70 percent of people want to quit smoking, but only 4 percent of the total of successfully quitting this bad habit.


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