Family - The success of A Wife

The success of A Wife - If you aim to get the husband to marry, then you can marry anyone. However, we reject some men because they do not conform to our hearts.

Being a wife is a lifelong profession. Profession that clearly can not be considered trivial and frivolous. Also because we can not feel bored or tired, so we then decided to change profession (whatever it is obviously not harm others, especially myself).

What it means to be a wife?
There is a wise proverb that says, if the husband is the ladder, then the wife is the jib pole.

In other words, our function is as a helper for our respective husbands (but not someone else's husband).

We are obliged to help their husbands in five areas of life.

Here the role of a wife as a partner is to be invited to exchange opinions and perspectives by her husband. If your husband is having difficulty in deciding something, then this is where the role of a wife is needed.

Wait until the husband asks your opinion or ask what she needs your help. Respect your husband answer!

Tell us what you are wise wise manner as well (humility, gentle tone, and not chatty). Do not be patronizing and also do not insist that your input is always welcome by the husband. Choose good words.

Let your husband as decision makers. Believe that what you express well regarded by him, then you certainly suggestion well received. If not, do not feel disappointed.

Men do have the ability to think long term better than women, because women pay more attention to the details.

Whether a man is always strong as it seems? Not! Men also have feelings that can get hurt at any time. However, they have a tendency to not show off like us women.

If your husband shows signs down, it would not hurt if you try to comfort him. If he is shut down, then do not force it to open. Let him open his own!

If then he comes to you when the situation is going down, then Entertain him, strengthened, and generate confidence. Give him also a sense of security, that you will still respect him even when he was in a weakened state.

Attitudes like this will make her husband becomes more open to you because he does not feel threatened. And of course, he will love you and will not run into the arms of another woman.

Help that you can give here is more than just sex. Caresses, hugs, holding hands, even a pat on the back (as friends) is something that men like.

Maybe they do not want to admit it or even prestige when you start frequently touched him in ways that he considered childish. However, in his heart, he likes that sort of thing.

Therefore, give a hug before she left for work. Give him a warm welcome home from work each. Give a hug before bed. It is guaranteed, you both will live more than life. And again, this behavior is very healthy for your married life. So, make it a habit every day to do it!

A husband also need support in their spiritual life. Support (not demands) is very important for you to make your husband run his spiritual obligations.

However, remember, your support is of no use if you do not give a real example. Be a wife who is a role model in terms of spiritual, then your husband will be won by you a real example.

Women have the ability to empathize better than men. Women are more easily explore the positions of others than men. Therefore, help your man to treat everything it wisely.

Man dominated by his logical mind, while women by feelings. So your job is to help him to become more callous man and has a high tolerance.

So noble duty of a wife! Helping, giving, serving ... Then, if the wages of this profession?!

If you managed to 'win' hearts with the help of your husband help you in the fifth-last aspect, it is certain that the queen bath treatment and abundant affection that you would get from your husband, because he looks at you is so precious.

Valuable and capable wife, who would?


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