Family - Invite Benefits Children Learn the kitchen

Daily Health - Holiday is the most exciting moment to invite children into the kitchen and learn cooking. The benefit is a lot you know, mama.

Invite children into the kitchen means an opportunity to introduce various types of healthy foods and how to process them. Especially if the child difficult to eat healthy foods you fib. For the kids, especially kindergarten age, came into the kitchen gave her a chance to know a variety of vegetables, fruit, flour and ingredients with a direct holding, squeezing, while recognizing the smell and color of each.

For those whose age is greater, to be creative in the kitchen experience will motivate them to try out new skills challenges. They will be keen to try grate, stirring the liquid quickly freezes, print, decorate and so forth. For this time, you do not sweat about drip batter and crumbs were scattered in the kitchen. The emphasis is pleasure doing activities with children in the kitchen and learn new things with you. Who knew he would be a candidate for replacing chef Chef Juna later.

Before taking children into the kitchen, prepare a few things first, including recipes, ingredients and equipment. Here are the steps that you should prepare:
  • Determine food recipes that will be created. Choose an attractive but easy to make fit your child's abilities. Video collection of recipes from Cook's quite easy to make with kids. Elaboration of the child's choice, for example, select favorite food that contains ingredients, or trying to create an entirely new recipe to acquaint children with various types of food. From here, the child will learn to dare to make his choice.
  • Before starting to cook, go shopping with your child choose their own groceries and food items are wanted was cooking. While shopping, while learning. Recommend him various types of healthy food, nutrition and the benefits for health. Choose just a little easier for children to understand and remember. Repeat this step for the next memasaik lesson.
  • Choosing the right time to cook it important. For example during the school holidays, weekends or holidays fast. Choice right time will make you relax and children to spend time together.
  • Choose a safe cooking utensils used by children, which is made of silicone, wood or plastic only. Describe the function of each cooking equipment as well as the risks if we careless in using it.
  • Try to choose recipes which time the process is not too long because children get bored easily. Use your creativity that cooking is fun and memorable for children. Let the children are free to explore as far as is safe to do.
Adjust cooking tasks in the kitchen based on the child's age stages. Starting from the age of 4 years children can be taught to cook happy, until the child is 15 years of age who are independent.


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