Health - Benefits Avocado Fruits for Health

Benefits Avocado Fruits for Health - is very good for Health and beauty. Avocado fruit in Latin is Persea americana Mill. This includes tropical fruit plants, the fruit is very delicious when made ​​juice. In addition to delicious avocado fruit has many nutritional content, so that our bodies need fruit to ward off various Diseases and to beautify our bodies.

But sometimes we are lazy to plant this fruit because it is always invited many caterpillars before fruiting. So we can be sure if it started many small caterpillars that appear on the leaves and avocado trees mean after walking caterpillar, meaning avocado fruit has begun to bear fruit.

Here are some Benefits of Avocado Fruits for Health :
Prevent the risk of stroke
Content of Folic Acid in Avocado fruit has the potential to prevent the risk of stroke. How, by eating an avocado a day on a regular basis.

Preventing Cancer
by consuming Avocado fruit every day can help prevent cancer because the content of Vitamin E, C or flavonoids will help ward off free radicals. While free radicals are the main cause Cancer.

Maintain Eye Health
The content of vitamin A in avocado plays an important role in protecting the eyes from cataracts and macular degeneration.

Maintain a Healthy Heart
High folic acid content that will maintain a healthy heart. One cup of avocado contains about 23% of the total folic acid that the body needs.

Curing Heartburn
If attacked by mild heartburn eating avocado seed extract. Because this fruit can help treat ulcer disease that attacks you.

Prevent Prostate Cancer
Compounds contained in avocados are able to seek out cancer cells and then destroy newly arising cells without damaging other health.

Helps Lower Cholesterol
Content of beta-sitosterol that can be said is quite high, these compounds has been proven to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels.

Benefits Fruit Avocado For Beauty Care
For puffy eyes.

The trick Take the Avocado fruit, then cut into small sections semicircular or crescent. Then, while lying down, place a few pieces in the bottom of the eye, and let stand for 15-20 minutes. then rinse your face with clean water.

Hair soft and shiny.
Combine trick piece of avocado, an egg yolk, half a teaspoon of olive oil. Flatten on your hair and leave on for 20-30 minutes or more. Then wash with shampoo as usual.

Hands smooth and soft.
The trick Combine 1/4 section of avocado with 1 egg (his white only), 2 tablespoons outmeal, and a tablespoon of lemon joice. Combine and blend on hand. Let it stand for 15-20 minutes, then clean with warm water and pat dry.

If we want the maximum benefits of avocado fruit as often as possible we consume an avocado. Can you make avocado juice is sweet, if you are tired of taking it directly.

But for those who are lazy or complicated to make avocado juice, you can buy avocado juice at a cafe or restaurant nearby. Hopefully the above benefits of avocado can be useful for you.


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