Health - Benefits of Fruit Wine For Health

Benefits of Fruit Wine For Health - Wine is a fruit with a characteristic rounded shape rather small oval like marbles, but there is also a rather large size, the fruit is usually green, red black / purple, black, and blue-black. Wine is a fruit plant propagating shrubs belonging to the family Vitaceae.

The fruit is usually used as grape juice, jelly, wine, grape seed oil and raisins, or eaten directly. But, what content you taukah and benefits from its own grapes? You may not know it, it turns out in addition to delicious and fresh grape also has many Health benefits and benefits for our bodies include:

Here are some benefits of Grapes for Health :

Protect the eye from cataract disease
Flavonoids in grapes role in keeping the eye from damage caused by free radicals. Among other causes of cataracts.

Reduce the risk of heart disease
Consuming grapes regularly can boost levels of nitric oxide within the body. Increased levels of nitric oxide within the body, can help prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of heart disease.

In addition, the antioxidant content of wine can also stop the oxidation of LDL cholesterol that can block blood vessels. LDL cholesterol is the bad cholesterol, which when excessive amounts in the blood will be deposited on the walls of blood vessels to form clots that can clog blood vessels.

Eliminate interference with the body's digestive and kidney
Consuming grapes is very good to protect the body from indigestion. Wine is also good for removing acid in the kidneys. So that kidney health can be maintained.

Good for people with asthma
Grapes have assimiratory strength that helps increase the water content in the lungs. It is certainly good for asthmatics because it can reduce the problem shortness of breath.

Controlling blood cholesterol levels
Pterostilbene is a compound in grapes that could play a role in lowering blood cholesterol levels, in addition, saponins existing in grape skins role in cholesterol absorption.

Treating constipation
Of sugar, cellulose, and organic acid in grapes act as a laxative, so the consumption of grapes are believed to treat a bowel obstruction or better known as constipation.

Protect the body from infection

Antivirus and content of antibacterial in grapes may protect the body from infection.

Because of the benefits that are owned, so the grapes can be regarded as a medicinal plant. Starting from now, it would not hurt if we consume wine for our Health.


  1. assimiratory itu apaan? jangan ngawur ah
    di bahasa inggris gak ada itu yang namanya assimiratory yang katanya meningkatkan air dalam paru-paru.

    air dalam paru-paru itu namanya edema paru yang berakibat pada pneumonia, itu penyakit.

    assimiratory itu cuman buatan orang endonesa yang suka ngeblog cari uang tapi gak memahami sumbernya yang dipake buat bikin artikel, benar atau gak, soalnya sumbernya sendiri memang udah ngawur.

