Family - Stop "Do not Scream"

Daily Health - The aggravation of us sometimes fiery emotion and could not resist. In the end you often shout at your child when they suddenly crying, not eating, or accidentally drop your favorite items. Your voice is getting higher gradually added rajukan your child that automatically suppress emotions gas in your brain.

If you remember again, we should not shout and act as extreme as that. Wise there are things that can be done without having to yell and make the child understand what is good and less good. We must be fully aware that the cries of children has a huge potential to trigger something worse happens. Why we need to stop yelling at our children?

You make a child cries so inferior
Many parents are confused himself when he saw his son were quiet and did not want to play with their peers. The fault is not on the child, and no child is actually a purely reserved. It is our parents who shape their taciturn character. For what? because of all the screams that we catapult them every day. Worse shout we can suppress their confidence, causing ignorance, low self-esteem so children, closed or are they naughty esktrim incredible.

You make the child cries more recalcitrant
Continuing from the first point was that said that they could be silent or even rogue incredible, that was the reality. Children are smart and careful observer. They recorded almost all the events are There. When they are doing something naughty and you just try to remind them to shout, the problem will not be finished, and they will never be able to learn from it. Eventually they will underestimate your cries, and eventually they thought that "mama could only scream, so no matter if I was naughty, at most, mama would cry again." Wow if this is not a serious blaze in their minds. Your child will not be so good, in fact they are getting naughty.

Children learn to reply to your criesParents are the first and primary educators of children. They learn all the important things in life through family life. For that you have to be more careful in acting. Everything our attitude is an example to them. So if we are shouted when they were naughty, they will reward you cry too.

Children learn to be a dissident

With the shouts you when they are stubborn, rather than a deterrent and they showed attitude change. Children will actually become dissidents. They shout for you to win on their side. They will be satisfied when you shout louder. And it means defeat on your part, because you are not able to cope with your own child's behavior.

Shouts are common
The more intensity you scream, it will become a habit for the children. And they shall fear and respect you. Imagine if your child does not obey you, what about the future later?

Still interested in yelling at your kids in the house? Should not if you want the future of your child's future bright shade. Do not forget, you also have a first child. Bring out the best in them.

Family - Parents Concerned Smokers Less Likely Against son

Daily Health - Children with smoking parents, either both or one has a worse level of health than children whose parents do not smoke. It is already a fact for years. In addition to worsening Health conditions, smoking parents were less concerned about their children. Thus the results of a recent study.

Addicted to cigarettes either father, mother or both have unfavorable behavior for their children, even to sacrifice their children's future. A study showed that parents who smoke tend to buy cheap clothes even gave food potluck. This was done so that they can still buy cigarettes in mediocre financial condition.

The survey of families with smoking parents give surprising results. There are some behaviors that are not appropriate parents and show that they tend not to care about their children.

Indifference Facts Parents
  • Survey shows that parents are smokers willing to reduce or sacrifice quality of life for their children that can still enjoy a cigarette.
  • 20 percent of respondents admitted that they deliberately buy cheap clothes and shoes for their children rather than trying to quit smoking. They are also giving fewer gifts and cheap for their children.
  • What's worse, 17 percent said they cut down on spending quality food and beverages for their children, because of budget cuts could be used to buy cigarettes.
  • Nearly 7 percent prohibit their children join the school holidays so that budget cuts do not buy cigarettes.
  • 17 percent prohibit their children buy a particular toy.
  • Sadly, nearly 9 percent admitted that they stole money from their children's piggy bank, on the grounds that gives cigarettes.
  • Nearly 65 percent of respondents claimed that their financial condition mediocre, but they still could not stop smoking is actually spending their money.
Dr Sarah Javis involved in the study said that the majority of smokers are fully aware that the financial burden of the family can be reduced if they stop smoking. However, addiction is making 70 percent of people want to quit smoking, but only 4 percent of the total of successfully quitting this bad habit.

Family - Invite Benefits Children Learn the kitchen

Daily Health - Holiday is the most exciting moment to invite children into the kitchen and learn cooking. The benefit is a lot you know, mama.

Invite children into the kitchen means an opportunity to introduce various types of healthy foods and how to process them. Especially if the child difficult to eat healthy foods you fib. For the kids, especially kindergarten age, came into the kitchen gave her a chance to know a variety of vegetables, fruit, flour and ingredients with a direct holding, squeezing, while recognizing the smell and color of each.

For those whose age is greater, to be creative in the kitchen experience will motivate them to try out new skills challenges. They will be keen to try grate, stirring the liquid quickly freezes, print, decorate and so forth. For this time, you do not sweat about drip batter and crumbs were scattered in the kitchen. The emphasis is pleasure doing activities with children in the kitchen and learn new things with you. Who knew he would be a candidate for replacing chef Chef Juna later.

Before taking children into the kitchen, prepare a few things first, including recipes, ingredients and equipment. Here are the steps that you should prepare:
  • Determine food recipes that will be created. Choose an attractive but easy to make fit your child's abilities. Video collection of recipes from Cook's quite easy to make with kids. Elaboration of the child's choice, for example, select favorite food that contains ingredients, or trying to create an entirely new recipe to acquaint children with various types of food. From here, the child will learn to dare to make his choice.
  • Before starting to cook, go shopping with your child choose their own groceries and food items are wanted was cooking. While shopping, while learning. Recommend him various types of healthy food, nutrition and the benefits for health. Choose just a little easier for children to understand and remember. Repeat this step for the next memasaik lesson.
  • Choosing the right time to cook it important. For example during the school holidays, weekends or holidays fast. Choice right time will make you relax and children to spend time together.
  • Choose a safe cooking utensils used by children, which is made of silicone, wood or plastic only. Describe the function of each cooking equipment as well as the risks if we careless in using it.
  • Try to choose recipes which time the process is not too long because children get bored easily. Use your creativity that cooking is fun and memorable for children. Let the children are free to explore as far as is safe to do.
Adjust cooking tasks in the kitchen based on the child's age stages. Starting from the age of 4 years children can be taught to cook happy, until the child is 15 years of age who are independent.

Family - The success of A Wife

The success of A Wife - If you aim to get the husband to marry, then you can marry anyone. However, we reject some men because they do not conform to our hearts.

Being a wife is a lifelong profession. Profession that clearly can not be considered trivial and frivolous. Also because we can not feel bored or tired, so we then decided to change profession (whatever it is obviously not harm others, especially myself).

What it means to be a wife?
There is a wise proverb that says, if the husband is the ladder, then the wife is the jib pole.

In other words, our function is as a helper for our respective husbands (but not someone else's husband).

We are obliged to help their husbands in five areas of life.

Here the role of a wife as a partner is to be invited to exchange opinions and perspectives by her husband. If your husband is having difficulty in deciding something, then this is where the role of a wife is needed.

Wait until the husband asks your opinion or ask what she needs your help. Respect your husband answer!

Tell us what you are wise wise manner as well (humility, gentle tone, and not chatty). Do not be patronizing and also do not insist that your input is always welcome by the husband. Choose good words.

Let your husband as decision makers. Believe that what you express well regarded by him, then you certainly suggestion well received. If not, do not feel disappointed.

Men do have the ability to think long term better than women, because women pay more attention to the details.

Whether a man is always strong as it seems? Not! Men also have feelings that can get hurt at any time. However, they have a tendency to not show off like us women.

If your husband shows signs down, it would not hurt if you try to comfort him. If he is shut down, then do not force it to open. Let him open his own!

If then he comes to you when the situation is going down, then Entertain him, strengthened, and generate confidence. Give him also a sense of security, that you will still respect him even when he was in a weakened state.

Attitudes like this will make her husband becomes more open to you because he does not feel threatened. And of course, he will love you and will not run into the arms of another woman.

Help that you can give here is more than just sex. Caresses, hugs, holding hands, even a pat on the back (as friends) is something that men like.

Maybe they do not want to admit it or even prestige when you start frequently touched him in ways that he considered childish. However, in his heart, he likes that sort of thing.

Therefore, give a hug before she left for work. Give him a warm welcome home from work each. Give a hug before bed. It is guaranteed, you both will live more than life. And again, this behavior is very healthy for your married life. So, make it a habit every day to do it!

A husband also need support in their spiritual life. Support (not demands) is very important for you to make your husband run his spiritual obligations.

However, remember, your support is of no use if you do not give a real example. Be a wife who is a role model in terms of spiritual, then your husband will be won by you a real example.

Women have the ability to empathize better than men. Women are more easily explore the positions of others than men. Therefore, help your man to treat everything it wisely.

Man dominated by his logical mind, while women by feelings. So your job is to help him to become more callous man and has a high tolerance.

So noble duty of a wife! Helping, giving, serving ... Then, if the wages of this profession?!

If you managed to 'win' hearts with the help of your husband help you in the fifth-last aspect, it is certain that the queen bath treatment and abundant affection that you would get from your husband, because he looks at you is so precious.

Valuable and capable wife, who would?

Family - My home is Heaven Or Hell

My home is Heaven Or Hell - The old saying says my home sweet home. It is true, especially if the family lived in the house, the people who love each other.

Transformed into a residential paradise or hell is determined by the atmosphere in it. Not mood lighting, home decor, or the least expensive furniture in it, but rather refers to the inhabitants.

We live in this world only once. Therefore, starting from this moment, (not too late, no matter what age you are now) we want to respect the family that we have.

If we as a child in the family, respect and care about the parents, brothers and sisters, and even appreciate your maid or driver.

Many helpers are so not at home because her employer behavior itself. Remember, however, and whatever their job, they are still human, just like us.

If we as a wife, respect and serve with a good husband. Arose pretty for your husband. Understand him, it affects a lot better than if you constantly complain or grumble.

If you are a mother, be a wise mother. Do not choose love, both toward her husband and children. Many young mothers are so much 'in love' with the children rather than their own husbands.

An adage says, "A wise woman build her family well, but the foolish tears it down with her ​​own hands."

Women, realize that your role in the family is very important.

Words and your behavior is highlighted by a husband and children.

Want to mMy home is Heaven Or Hellke your family like heaven, then so be wise woman.

Family - Mother, Heroes Family

Mother, Heroes Family - Mother .... Mama .... Mother? Whatever we call the people who have been pregnant, give birth, and raise this we do not reduce the value of a mother's precious.

On Mother's Day, let us reflect back on the services of a mother, a woman who is arguably the hero in the family.

A mother not only meet all our needs, but he even gave all he had.

In fact, remember when we struggled giving birth, a mother's fight with death, dying, endured pain and suffering that must be experienced. In other words, mothers are even willing to give their lives for their children.

Mother, too, who taught us to speak (after all, almost all babies in this world to say the word "mother" as their first word), walking, eating, accompany play, take care when we are sick, cook for us and take care of all our needs.

In fact, unbeknownst to us, a mother always sincerely pray for his family, for the happiness and success of their children. Loved mother to her child ...... really indescribable.

Therefore, if this time, you still have a mother, so respect and honor him. Remember, that without his efforts, you would not be in this world. Without his labors, you will not be as it is now.

No matter what your mom, if fussy, stiff, hard, matre, remember that all he does is based on his love for you.

If at this time, you've become a mother, then be happy and proud of the profession 'for life' is. Be a good mother to your children. Educate them with love and wisdom.

Hero is a person who contributed to the lives of others. Not always obtain reciprocity in kind, but still sincere in giving and serving. That mother, her love along the way, not measurable, lasting devotion until his death. Thank you Mom!

Family - Being a mother is the most weight in the world work

Daily Health - Being a housewife or a working mother is a choice. They have the same role, which is to be a mother, a job without any pay and is the hardest jobs in the world.

a Parents magazine survey revealed that 92 percent of women who have become mothers agree that they have the hardest job in the world. A total of 500 housewives and working moms say that no job is more difficult to be a mother.

The majority of women agree that the physical demands that must be primed and emotional exhaustion is very heavy in parenting.

Working Mom Housewife Or Same-Same Weight

For housewives, 28 percent of them expressed once in stamp lazy at one point and was criticized for not being able to support the family financially or produce. So do not be surprised if 66 percent of them are worried about finances as the biggest concern.

As for women who work, despite having an income, they often feel guilty because they leave their children. In the same survey noted that 63 percent of working mothers have no choice but to return to work after childbirth. As many as 33 percent of mothers working deeply between job stress as well as the demands of being a good mother.

Therefore ladies, being a housewife and mother worked equally severe. Being a mother is not merely conceive and give birth, there is a huge responsibility that women carried afterward. Your mothers, your daughters, and later you have to remain a strong woman to take on the toughest jobs without this fee.

Are you ready to expand the heavy duty?