Family - Mother, Heroes Family

Mother, Heroes Family - Mother .... Mama .... Mother? Whatever we call the people who have been pregnant, give birth, and raise this we do not reduce the value of a mother's precious.

On Mother's Day, let us reflect back on the services of a mother, a woman who is arguably the hero in the family.

A mother not only meet all our needs, but he even gave all he had.

In fact, remember when we struggled giving birth, a mother's fight with death, dying, endured pain and suffering that must be experienced. In other words, mothers are even willing to give their lives for their children.

Mother, too, who taught us to speak (after all, almost all babies in this world to say the word "mother" as their first word), walking, eating, accompany play, take care when we are sick, cook for us and take care of all our needs.

In fact, unbeknownst to us, a mother always sincerely pray for his family, for the happiness and success of their children. Loved mother to her child ...... really indescribable.

Therefore, if this time, you still have a mother, so respect and honor him. Remember, that without his efforts, you would not be in this world. Without his labors, you will not be as it is now.

No matter what your mom, if fussy, stiff, hard, matre, remember that all he does is based on his love for you.

If at this time, you've become a mother, then be happy and proud of the profession 'for life' is. Be a good mother to your children. Educate them with love and wisdom.

Hero is a person who contributed to the lives of others. Not always obtain reciprocity in kind, but still sincere in giving and serving. That mother, her love along the way, not measurable, lasting devotion until his death. Thank you Mom!


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