Health - Benefits Durian Fruit for Health

Benefits Durian Fruit for Health - Durian Tree is a wild plant that comes from the forests of Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Malaysia. The name itself is taken from the durian fruit characteristics that have leather spiked meeting with the Latin Name "Durio zibenthinus Murr".

And a naturalist named Alfred Russel Wallace says that durian is a fruit-like pudding and enriched with almond flavor, sometimes ice cream flavors such as cheese, mixed with onion sauce, wine, and a variety of unique flavors.

Durian Fruit Nutrition

not only gained the nickname 'the king of fruit' durian fruit also gained the nickname as 'five star' because of a complete nutritional content in the appeal other fruit. between the absolute nutrient content is vit. b, vit. C, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, thiamin, riblofavin, omega 3 and 6. in addition it contains a lot of durian also phytonurient, polyphenols, phytosterols, antioxidants, organosulfur, and tryptophan. besides that there are also major nutrients like carbohydrates, fat not lose, as well as protein.

according to a team of researchers from the ohio state university, phytonutrients contained in durian fruit is claimed to be able to turn off cancer-triggering substances, increase immunity, prevent cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

durian is also enriched with polyphenols and antioxidants like vit. c. content of vit. c the durian fruit can reach 200 mg/100 g of fruit flesh. The figure is the highest value content of vit. c on the fruit.

department of pharmacology & toxicology, school of medicine, state university of new york at buffalo also gave an absolute record concerning the content of durian. according to the results of their research, phytosterol substances useful in the durian to make improvements including anti-tumor response in the body, to improve the immune system to attack the Cancer, as well as help prevent the progression of Tumors.

durian fruit for health benefits
not only has a delicious taste flavor and nutritional content of such complete, durian fruit also has a variety of health benefit that is not less important, like:

avoid premature aging
vit. c contained in durian is raw material for making collagen. like we know that collagen is an absolute factor while keeping skin youthful. not only that, it also acts absolute collagen while maintaining healthy blood vessels, bones, tendons, and ligaments.

prevent depression
content of vit. b6 which is in the durian fruit can also help produce the hormone serotonin. absolute hormone that makes your heart situation so you add both to shy away from the risk of stress and depression.

add brain power
studies done something in twickenham, london, UK, said that 200 students were asked to consume durian fruit in sufficient quantities at breakfast, break, and lunch. finally, getting over 80% of students experienced increased brain power while absorbing the lessons and concentrate more on the lessons learned.

natural sleeping pills
for those of you who have trouble sleeping and rarely get quality sleep, perchance durian consumption may be an appropriate alternative solutions. amino tryptophan content in durian can relieve anxiety, insomnia, and create feelings of euphoria with steps to add the content of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a substance essential to regulate the sleep cycle to work along with other substances is melatonin.

then what about the rumors that durian can be harmful?
durian fruit can be detrimental to health if you eat too excessive. moreover can cause death if you eat them along with drinks containing alcohol. durian fruit that can be felt avail healthy, eating enough just 100-200 grams a meal.


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