Health - Benefits of Corn for Health

Benefits of Corn for Health - Who is not familiar with Corn. This vegetable is a good addition to be eaten in a variety of conditions it also has a lot of benefits that you know. This time Daily Health Information will provide a summary benefits of corn for health. Corn for health benefits so much as it is a rich source of fiber and essential nutrients. The contents contained therein have the ability to protect our bodies from disease. More specifically the benefits of corn is for diabetes, prevention of heart disease, hypertension, and prevention of disability in the nerve (neural-tube) at birth.

Corn is one of the most popular cereal in the world and a staple food in many countries including the United States. Corn is not only a source of food to provide necessary calories for your metabolism, but it is a rich source of vitamins A, B, E and many minerals. High in fiber plays a role in the prevention of diseases that attack the digestive such as constipation and hemorrhoids and colorectal cancer. Antioxidants in corn also act as anti-cancer agents and prevent Alzheimer's. Corn is also rich in phytochemicals that may provide protection against a variety of chronic diseases.

Here are some health benefits to corn:
Sources Calories
Corn is a rich source of calories is 342 calories per 100grams, one of the highest in cereals.
Hemorrhoids and Colorectal Cancer prevention: The fiber content in one cup of corn amounted to 18.4% of the recommended daily amount for the body's needs. This helps in reducing digestive problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids, as well as lowering the risk of colon cancer. 

Contains Vitamin many
Corn is rich in vitamin B, especially Thiamin and Niacin. Thiamin is essential for maintaining nerve health and cognitive function. Niacin drawback associated with Pellagra, a disease characterized by diarrhea, dementia and dermatitis are common in malnourished people. Corn is also a source of pantothenic acid is a vitamin that is necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates and protein and fat in the body. Folic acid deficiency in pregnant women led to the birth of underweight babies and also can result in neural tube defects at birth. Yellow corn is a rich source of beta-carotene form of vitamin A in the body, essential for healthy eyes and skin. Corn kernels are rich in vitamin E, a natural antioxidant essential for growth.

Lowering LDL Cholesterol 
According to the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, corn husk oil consumption can lower LDL cholesterol which is the bad cholesterol in the body.

Protection against Diabetes and Hypertension
Consumption of corn helps the management of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and is effective against hypertension due to phenolic phytochemicals in whole corn.

Benefits of Corn for Cosmetics and Beauty
Corn starch is used in the manufacture of cosmetics and can also be applied topically to soothe skin rashes and irritation.

Rich Mineral Corn
Corn contains abundant than magnesium phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc and copper. Phosphorus is essential for the maintenance of normal growth, bone health and normal kidney function. Magnesium is needed to maintain a normal heart rate and for bone strength.

Antioxidant properties of Corn
According to a study conducted at Cornell University, corn is a rich source of antioxidants that have the ability to fight cancer. Corn is a rich source of phenolic compounds ferulic acid, an anti-cancer agent that has been shown to be effective in fighting tumors in breast cancer and liver cancer. Anthocyanins, found in purple corn also act as a repellent free radicals that cause cancer.

Preventing Cardiovascular
According to researchers, corn oil has demonstrated anti-atherogenic properties that have an effect on cholesterol levels, thus preventing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Prevent Anemia
Vitamin B12 and folic acid in corn has the ability to prevent anemia caused by a deficiency of this vitamin.

The following benefits can you get by consuming corn. May your life always healthy. Healthy greetings.


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