Health - Benefits Chocolate for Health

Benefits Fruit Chocolate for Health - Chocolate is a category foods that are easily digested by the body and contains many vitamins such as vitamins A1, B1, B2, C, D, and E and minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper.

Chocolate also containing antioxidants and flavonoids known very useful to prevent the introduction into the body of free radicals that can Cause Cancer.

Chocolate also contains fats that have the same function with olive oil and contains minerals essential for strong bones, nails, hair and skin. And also helps to prevent the aging process.

Although Chocolate is also considered a food that is able to gain weight, brown is also considered as one of the foods that can dispel stress.

studies that have been conducted in Sandiego School of Medicine, California University, the Stress level can be minimized or even eliminated by consuming Chocolate.

This is because Chocolate contains psychoactive molecules that can make eating chocolate feel comfortable. Several content of Chocolate like a caffeine, theobromine, methyl-xanthine, and phenylethylalanine believed to improve mood and reduce fatigue so that it can be used as an anti-depression medication.

The following are some other Benefits of Fruit Chocolate for Health if you consume on a regular basis.

High Cholesterol
When you eat chocolate, you also have the ability to consume flavonoids are known antioxidants beneficial to lower bad type of cholesterol, LDL, which is known to damage the arteries and can increase our chances of getting heart disease or a heart attack.
High Blood Pressure
Chocolate and cocoa contains flavanols, which have good quality. One of the vascular benefits of flavanols is lowering blood pressure.
Consuming dark chocolate in moderate amounts has been known to improve blood sugar processing, which can reduce the risk of diabetes.

Experts have found a that theobromine, a compound found in cocoa, can reduce cough by affecting the sensory nerve endings of the vagus nerve that runs through the airways in the lungs.

Heart Disease
Patient liver disease have benefited from a rich brown with antioxidant compounds have been found to reduce high blood pressure in the liver and reduces damage to the blood vessels of the liver.

Blood Clotting
They are known to eat chocolate more slowly in pengggumpalan blood transfusion when done. This helps to prevent blood clots that can cause heart attacks.

Although chocolate can not heal cancer, but it has a preventive benefits like a reducing cell damage that can lead to tumor growth.

Flavanol-containing compound that are found in chocolate, called epicatechin, have been found to guard against stroke damage.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Rather than drinking soda or coffee when you felt tired, eat a square of chocolate to boost your energy levels of. In small doses, caffeine in chocolate will provide benefits to prevent chronic fatigue.

Looking at some of the benefits contained in the fruit turns brown in the chocolate contains a lot of Health benefits. Chocolate has the ability to be used as a Cure serious Diseases like a Cancer, high blood pressure, and cholesterol so eating them regularly can be beneficial to your body's Health.


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