Family - Educating Exceptional Children Grow

Daily Health - It is for parents, especially mothers (most often at home than fathers), raising children is not as easy as imagined. What is taught parents to determine what the child will be like that someday. But with a healthy and open communication, parents / mothers can bring their children to live the right way. Here are a few things you need to communicate with your baby.

Purpose of Life
Stop asking your baby about what they want to do in life, otherwise ask your baby, they want to be someday. That question will take your baby to think more about their ideals, as well as giving them a view as to where they will go. Remind them that they are unique and do not need to imitate others.

Call vs. Career
There is a big difference between a vocation and career. Career was limited to work, but calling in life is the true purpose of life possessed by each person. A child needs to be directed to find out what the purpose / calling of his life, then he can do things to support his call. Do not let your baby mistaken to assume high office is a real success. Remind them that the matter is not everything, life has more meaning than that.

Value vs. Expertise
The value of the lessons learned in school is not enough to measure a child's intellectual. There is no one in this world who are experts in all fields. Each child must have expertise in their own field, here's what you need to dig out of your baby. What skills do they have?! Once you know, help them to develop it, as this is one step to recognize their calling.

Happiness Factor
Give them the sense that their happiness does not depend on anyone and what they have / do, but when they give life to others, that is true happiness. It also will keep your baby from being selfish. Do not let the kids think if they reach the goal, then that's success and happiness. Such teachings will only make your child mentally fragile, especially when failure comes. Success does not mean it never fails, but do not wallow in failure, that's success.

Family vs. Friends
Friends can not give as much love and a sense of security offered by the family. Of course the question is a normal family (free abuse / harassment). The safest place for children is in the midst of their own family. Therefore, create a harmonious atmosphere in your family, so that children feel at home and not fall into the wrong crowd. Your friends can know your baby, without the need to act as a security guard. Occasionally invite friends children to eat at home so you know the kind of relationships your baby.

Some of the above would be able to help your child to have an orderly life, but remember that your example speak louder than your words. Speak to your child from a loving heart, because what is delivered from the heart also will touch hearts.


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