Family - Avoiding Misunderstanding

Daily Health - As we all know, it's slander more cruel than to kill. In addition to hatred, misunderstanding is also the root of slander.

Implies misunderstanding and wrong perceptions about others, a condition, or a thing. Misunderstanding prejudice is wrong. If left misunderstood / not confirmed to the relevant, then it can make a person's name tainted / smudged or can make a problem is not resolved properly.

Look around us, how many divorce cases are caused by a misunderstanding. Wife cheating husband assume just because a woman called her husband's co-workers. Husband and wife scolded because he felt his wife too nosy, but his wife just wants to be helpful. Parents think their children do not obey when refused entry medical science, when the child wants to be a pilot. Children often misunderstand and think the parents restrain them, but the parents just want to protect her son.

It must be admitted that we often misunderstand the intent of others, simply because we hear bits and pieces of information. Natural law also applies to human life. What we sow, that also is what we will reap. A farmer who sows corn, watermelon will not reap. If we often misunderstand other people, then we will get a reply.

Therefore, to prevent misunderstanding, it helps us to learn patience, neutral (do not jump to conclusions / judge), and listen. Listening is actually a more effective communication of the talking. Many people in this world have good skills in speaking, but few are able and willing to listen to others. Listening to explanations / viewpoints of others requires patience, but those who are able to listen to other people who are happy, because he certainly gained his reward, that accolade.

Woman, you want to be appreciated husband, children, and other people?! Listen to them, acknowledge differences, and where possible fulfill their needs. Such a woman shows that she is able to appreciate others without being selfish, then he will reap the rewards, the love and esteem of others.


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