Family - How the World and Heart Touching My son

Daily Health - The children will grow up as a child who fails if any of foster parents. Too indulgent or less attention on the contrary, both are equally bad thing for children's development.

Remember, that what you put in on the kids, that's going to be like them someday. So cultivate good thing, in the right portions and the way anyway.

Before having children, it's good if you and your husband make an agreement in advance about how you both want to educate your baby.

Parents who agreed and compact is the safest limit for a child to know what is allowed and not allowed. Do not let the children see their parents 'split'. You say "yes", the mother must also say "yes".

If your husband and there are differing views on how to educate children, talking about it in the 'back' of your child. Remember, parents are parents who agree that successful!

Do not force your baby to understand the world and all your troubles. Yet time for them to get into your world. They are not ready to bear (or understand) what you are experiencing at this time.

You are the one who must be willing to humble ourselves and understand them. You are the one who must enter into their world. How were you ever in the world of children and adolescents is not it?! However, to understand does not mean always agreeing.

When your kids were little, always apply the habit of giving meaning to the problems or errors that arise. It is better than anger. Explain to the child the reasons why you disagree about something he did.

If from his youth, you have to implement a given sense, then when your child is a teenager, you will still get the respect and trust him.

However, what if you were too late to apply the pattern? Next...


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