Health - Benefits of Honey

Benefits of Honey - Since then centuries Honey has been used several women for Skin Care. Honey has a natural ingredient that is useful for skin like antioxidants, antibacterial, Vit. B and C. not only easily get the excess in skin care products, you can also add the Natural Beauty habits.

let us identify some miraculous benefits of Honey for skin?
of the many advantages gained Honey, make skin protection is its main strength. content of antioxidants, anti-fungal and anti-microbial to treat sores, red spots and fight skin infections.

Honey has long been recognized as a natural ingredient, which when used regularly, can soften the skin or hair in a very dry situation. you can applying honey to the face and neck or mixed with some other natural ingredients to make skin become softer.

Honey can also help reduce the signs of aging signals. you can seemingly ageless because the content of Honey can prevent free radicals. This honey can be contrived so toner. for toner mixture of two teaspoons of lemon, two teaspoons of honey and water. then mix these ingredients in a clean bottle and shake until evenly distributed. to use it, just like you use to apply the toner usually, with pour some drops onto cotton and rub on your face that has been cleaned.

and wound infection can be minimized onsumsi Honey. This is because honey contains anti-microbial. essence sugars in honey can accelerate wound treatment system.

two ways you can do all the time consuming Honey drank regularly and apply it immediately to the skin and hair. nutrients that are in the honey like magnesium, potassium and calcium contribute in turn encourages skin cells to create a healthy and beautiful skin.

Clean Up
sounds strange indeed if the Honey is said to be cleaner. however, the content of the natural enzymes in the honey, when combined with water, can make a soft fluid antispetik to thoroughly clean the skin with natural oils without reducing your content.

Anti Acne
yap, acne often be problematic for some women. you can to eliminate smearing Honey on the acne and let stand 15 minutes then rinse along. content of beneficial bacteria killing anti acne and clear blemishes.


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